Tuesday, January 21, 2014


I've become a wolf in sheep's clothing, just like the rest of them. I'm losing me and I don't like the feeling of drowning in regret and guilt. I do know what needs to be done to get out of my situation but,I'm not taking the risk to put myself out there. 
That has to change

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Challenge for November

Next month, I will be doing "The Single Woman's 30-Day Challenge!. The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge 1) Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?” 2) Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked. 3) Describe a moment or a day when being single was really awesome. 4) Your biggest fear as a single person. 5) The biggest misconception you think people have about single life 6) Sound off on the quote “Every woman has the exact love life she wants” 7) Where you are in your life vs. where you thought you would be at this point 8) Five things that are most important to you in a future mate 9) Your favorite “weird/funny single behavior” – Anything you do that is uniquely YOU and that living alone allows you to do (For example, I sometimes dance around the house with my cat to Frank Sinatra) 10) Google the meaning of your name and talk about how it fits or doesn’t fit you 11) Your worst/funniest/most embarrassing date 12) Your proudest accomplishment 13) Describe how you met the last person you texted and talk about your friendship/relationship 14) Describe the last moment you felt really, truly blissful 15) Narrate a conversation between you and someone in your life who you never had closure with (a friend, an ex, a family member, etc.) What would you say? What would they say? What outcome would you hope for? 16) If you planted a time capsule right now of your life to be opened in 20 years, what would be in it? 17) What are your spiritual beliefs and how do they impact your relationships/relationship status? 18) If you could have a conversation with yourself in high school, what would you say? 19) What is something about you that people would be surprised to learn? 20) Describe your most difficult breakup and what you learned from it 21) How would you pitch a reality show about yourself? To what network? 22) What fictional character in a movie, tv show, or book do you identify with and why? 23) Talk about a moment when you got annoyed with a married friend, a person in a relationship, or a person with kids (Be honest! No judgment!) 24) If you could relive ONE day of your life, what would it be? And would you change anything? 25) Describe a moment when you “paid it forward.” What happened and how did it feel? 26) Name a song that makes you cry every time you hear it and why 27) Talk about something that you really, really, really love about yourself. 28) Describe a moment when you made a big, bold move. In any area of life: Career, Love, etc. 29) Who is your closest or most special friend that you’ve never met and what do they mean to you? How did you cross paths? Talk about how you “met” them: Facebook, Twitter, an online support group, etc. 30) Write a letter to your future mate saying whatever you want to say

Monday, July 8, 2013


I just started reading, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren an I'm curious to learn about what God has in stores for me . Now, I'm just on day 1, but I have a strong believe that I will be inspired. I would like to believe that I have a strong relationship with God and Jesus , but I don't think it's as strong as a church goers. In the bible, it says church is wherever you make it . Once, I'm done this book I will read, The Secret. I've watched the documentary on the book to get the feel of it but I haven't applied it to my life . I've taken loads of notes and I was excited for the first week, but that excitement faded. Hopefully, I will find and stick to a open path . 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Guard my

I leave my thoughts scattered around for everyone to see. I don't want everyone to know my inner demons but my mind is so scattered that I get preoccupied with what's going on around me. I'm terrified of people learning about how sad I am. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Breaking out of retail

I went to school to become a social service worker. 2010, I graduated with SSW diploma . 2010 I was working in a clothing store. 2010 I was working in a home decor store. 2013 still working in that home decor store. Needing to break that cycle of falling behind .

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The rest is still unwritten

I was so unhappy to the point that I thought I was moving backwards. now
, with this move  I now feel like I can only go forward and take my experience from the past as a stepping stone. The journey will be rocky because I'm unsure of the path that I would like to take, but I know I wouldn't be behind myself.